Security Products
Unique Passwords
Use stronger more complex passwords on web applications and cloud services (compared to using easily remembered passwords)
Have unique passwords for each system, rather than using the same password everywhere (if one system is hacked, all your systems are exposed)
Military Grade Encryption
Compounded encryption process using AES-256 and multiple SHA-256 hash keys on a randomised basis to make sure your data is kept safe - even we can't see it!
Immediate lockout of former employees across all systems (since they never memorise the complex passwords, and likely never see them)
Share Securely
Ability to share credentials for use by co-workers without them ever knowing the password
Full time trace auditing on all interactions with passwords
Securely share access to passwords without sending over plain text email or sms (or over the phone)
Unrivaled security and smarter management. By leveraging the world’s largest civilian threat intelligence network, Symantec can proactively identify at-risk files and stop zero-day threats without slowing down your performance.